My tagline used to read: "Writer, Speaker, Professional Patient"

My tagline used to read: "Writer, Speaker, Professional Patient"

After surviving four near-death experiences, & 10 life-threatening illnesses, this description seemed fitting. After all, my journey began when a football-sized tumor entangled my lungs, while a six-week-old baby grew in my belly below.

 I did keep my sweet baby, and endured chemo while pregnant.

More chemo after her birth, followed by months of radiation.

Three months later, my cancer returned.

Undergoing a stem cell transplant, multiple strokes, open heart surgery, just to name a few, seemed like a fictional tale no one wants to face.


Oddly enough, my sicknesses brought me to this unique place I am today. Because if anyone understands how a patient feels, it's me. For the longest time I wanted to be the normal girl.

I did. 

But now I know God's using this uncomfortable part of my story to bring a little joy to those walking through a trial.

He's even reminded me of how He sustained me.

He used my family. My friends. And His Miraculous Interventions.

Now I hope He's using me to help you share a pretty little something for your soon-to-be survivor. That's why my new tagline reads: Uplifting gifts, sharing joy.

See. Much better.  

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